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Showing posts with the label lymphoma

Sepsis and Cancer

Epstein Barr Virus EBV positive extra-nodal NK/T cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma nasal type, Stage 1E . It's a bit of a mouth full but this is Ryan's official diagnosis. It is a rare lymphoma, but extremely rare in children. It is extra-nodal in his tonsillar area at the back of his mouth in the oropharynx or Waldeyer's ring. Caused by the Epstein Barr Virus that is usually responsible for Glandular Fever.  I have shared my full story on several chat forums in the hope that there is someone with the same that I can connect with for support. Of course, I do not wish this on anyone, however, if there is someone else going through, or has been through the same I would like to connect with them. Thank you to everyone that has shared messages with me so far. I really appreciate the help and advice you have given me. I wish each and every one of you all the best with your own battles. Sepsis   Ryan had a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy ( PEG ) tube fitted on Monday 3rd October 201...

Inconclusive Biopsy Results

Keep fighting and ask for another opinion. The ENT consultant rang me at 6pm on Monday 25th July 2016 to say that the biopsy results were not yet back. So our appointment for Tuesday 26th did not happen as I had expected it wouldn't. He couldn't give me any indication of timing but said he will chase the lab each day for me and promised to call me as soon as the results were back so that we can then arrange an appointment to discuss them. I will be surprised if a consultant really has the time to do this, so we shall see. I was quite impressed though that a consultant found the time to actually call me himself, although I did laugh at him when he said, "Try not to worry." The limbo I think is the hardest when waiting for results.  I had asked the doctors three times when we were on the ward the previous week if they really thought the biopsy results would be back in a week. I fully expected them not to be, although I had hoped we might know. I said at the time that ...

Cancer Symptoms and Biopsy

Symptoms to look out for in cancer. Ryan has been ill since September 2014 with recurring sore throats and temperatures, indicative of tonsillitis. He was diagnosed with the Epstein Barr Virus which causes Glandular Fever in March 2015 and missed almost 3 months of school. His health did not improve over the next year and from February 2016 he deteriorated significantly. He lost 10kgs in weight and developed:  Appetite loss Severe Fatigue Painful joints, Sore throats Intermittent fevers (which lasts 4 days on average) Night sweats Dizzy spells Mouth ulcers Pallor Dysphagia His CRP reading was 31 in May 2016. An average CRP should be below 5. However Ryan reached 331 when he suffered from Sepsis, but that is a different story for another blog post. This sucked both health and timing-wise as it was right at the critical point of him choosing his year 9 options in school for the subjects he was going to begin studying for his GCSEs. Although Ryan was absent from school, we wer...